Jesus is my jam. Learn how to grow closer to Jesus and how to pray through all seasons of life with me.

Why Jesus is My Jam

Hi, my name is Erin and Jesus is my jam. I am constantly growing in my relationship with the Lord and in prayer.  I want to help others in their walk with Christ.  My journey to where I am was not an easy one.  I have learned many lessons the hard way.  I have learned how to pray and rely on the Lord through the tough times.  Because of these lessons, I am able to praise God and give Him glory for the gifts He’s given me.  While I have had to rely on Him in many different seasons of life, my current season is relying on Him in my marriage, family and financially.

Praying so that Jesus is my Jam

My passion is helping others pray through the tough seasons of their marriage.  My motto is in all things, pray.  That includes your marriage.  While I have not always prayed first, I am learning to do this in my own marriage.  Stick around and learn to pray and grow with me.  I will be here to help you learn to pray through the tough seasons of life. Jesus is my jam and I hope and pray that He will be your jam too.

Prayer Guide

Stick around and get my free prayer guide!  Learn how to structure your prayers to feel more confident and learn how to pray more fervently.

Check out my blog and learn more about prayer:

Does Prayer Change Things?

Book of Prayers for Marriage Healing

Jesus is my jam. Learn how to grow closer to Jesus and how to pray through all seasons of life with me.