Powerful prayer for my love life. Pray for transformation in you and your future spouse. Pray for both of you to grow closer to God before each other.

Is there a way to be powerfully praying for my love life? Why yes there is. Prayer for love in a relationship may seem daunting, but there are things to pray for when it comes to love.

If you’re wanting a prayer structure guide you can download my free elements of prayer guide here or even my guide to pray for your marriage. With the marriage prayer guide, I’ll show you and your spouse how to pray through 12 days of scripted prayers together. You can also check that out here by joining my email list!

Story time..

Once upon a time, I was young, single and had a huge desire for a big family. Through prayer, patience and faithfulness, I now have just that.

I remember being lonely in my college days and asking God for a husband. I started shifting my mindset from loneliness to preparing and praying for my future husband (who I hadn’t even met yet).

I started praying for his character. I wanted a Godly man who would lead my future family well. I prayed for my future husband to know Jesus and continue to grow closer to Him. I prayed for Him to start getting his life ready for a family. I prayed for the love to grow in him for his future family.

Powerfully praying for my love life

I also prayed for me. I prayed that I would also be preparing for my future husband. I prayed for ungodly temptations to not control me. I prayed for me to save and preserve my body for my future husband. I prayed that God would bless me with a family with lots of kids. I was praying for my love in the future.

Through these prayers, I mostly learned that I had to quit praying for God to just send me a husband.  I learned to pray for a transformation in me to prepare for that future husband.  I learned to pray for my future husband to be transformed as well.  I’ve learned that John 14:14 says, “You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.”  This doesn’t mean that God is a genie that just grants us our wishes of whatever we want.  This means that we ask God for things in His Will and He will provide.  He wants us to have good things.  He wants to bless us.  As we pray for a transformation to see Him more and to change to be more like Him, He will provide because our requests will align with His Will.

Fast forward to today,

I now have a loving husband who loves the Lord. He is growing in his ability to lead our family closer to the Lord. He helps with our student ministry at church, he prays with our babies. He is the go-to person for prayer for our kiddos (all 4 of them). He is truly awe inspiring and the answer to many, many prayers.

Powerful prayer for my love life. Pray for transformation in you and your future spouse. Pray for both of you to grow closer to God before each other.

Okay, let’s make this about you now! Here are ways I was praying for the love God had in store for me. Now, your turn:

  1. Pray giving thanks for what God has already done for you and what He is going to do for you.
    1. I know this may seem silly to you and you look around and see that you are far from being in a relationship, but trust me.  Just do it.  We always want to enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise (Psalm 100:4).  This shows a grateful heart.
  2. Pray for God’s timing, not yours.
    1. I know this seems like the worst because you’re tired of being patient, but trust Him. He knows what He’s doing even if it feels like He has forgotten you.  God is a God of timelines and plans.  We can’t see the whole picture like He can.  Be patient.
  3. Pray for God to prepare you for a Godly spouse.
    1. When you pray for a transformation in yourself, God will change you and grow you to make Your life look more like Him.
  4. Pray for God to prepare a Godly spouse for you.
    1. On the flip side, pray for your spouse to grow to the Lord.  Pray for God to grow their spiritual gifts.  Pray for their salvation.  Pray for them to have joy.  Pray for them to want to grow closer to the Lord with you.
  5. Pray for clear communication in your future relationship.
  6. Pray for a Godly marriage

Get to Know Jesus

If you’ve never accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, I can help you.  All it takes is believing that God sent His son Jesus to die for your sins and asking for Jesus to be your Lord and Savior.  Just pray a heartfelt prayer asking God to forgive you and come into your heart.  Then turn from your sin and you learn and grow closer to the Lord.  Let Him work in your life and see how He transforms you into being more like Him.  It’s a beautiful journey.

Looking to learn the structure of prayer?  You can download this free guide to teach you how to pray.  This will give you the framework you need to start praying more robust prayers.

All of these things are how I have prayed for my love life that I have today.  I am truly living out answered prayers, and I am forever grateful.

Want more prayer related articles?  Check these out!

How to Be Content in Life: 5 Easy Steps to Contentment

Book of Prayers for Marriage Healing

Does Prayer Change Things?

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